Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Keys To Speaking The Truth In Love

Questions to ask before you open your mouth

1 - Do you really love them, or are you doing something you perceive to be loving?
Jesus didn’t check things off His love-list when He came to earth, everything He did was motivated by love. Love proved His actions, actions did not prove His love. If you are not living in love towards the person you want to speak the truth to, don’t open your mouth! 

2 - Are you the one to say it?
Have you been invited into a relationship where you are able to speak freely? Is this something you need to say, or something Holy Spirit needs to say? Do you believe God cares more about them hearing the truth than you do?  Just because you know what needs to be said, doesn’t mean you’re the one to say it. 

3 - Who is this benefitting most? 
When we get pleasure from speaking the truth, we are overstepping the boundaries, and will be ineffective. When we release the pleasure of the Father by speaking the truth, we’re truly operating from love, and love is transformative. 

4 - Are you operating out of fear?
Fear and insecurity causes us to lash out. We end up delivering harsh truth (many times from a skewed perspective) that is wrapped in accusation and condemnation. Love offers hope, wrapped in acceptance and commendation. If you’re on the verge of operating out of fear, you need someone to speak the truth in love to you before you open your mouth to anyone else. 

5 - Are you dropping a bomb, or beginning a journey?
It’s easy to drop truth bombs and fly away. But love understands that truth opens a door in someone’s life that you will need to walk through with them. Truth starts the healing process, love walks beside the healing process. 

Opening your mouth to speak only takes a moment. Love takes a lifetime. 

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