Every hero needs a sidekick!
Batman needs Robin, Nacho needs Escuelito, Green Hornet needs Kato, Marshall needs Ted!
Same is true for Christ followers. The only difference is that while many sidekicks are ONLY sidekicks, Christians are both hero and sidekick for each other. There are going to be some battles where you need a buddy to come alongside you, and sometimes YOU get to be the buddy!
But at the cross, we all end up on equal ground.
And then there are leagues. Leagues are awesome because everyone is the hero, and nobody's a sidekick. Everybody gets together and fights and wins. Think about the Avengers, or the Justice League, X-Men, Fantastic Four!
Each hero has their own individual strengths, and together, they create an unstoppable force.
Think about the Disciples. Jesus could have come and taken over the world by Himself. He didn't NEED anyone! And yet He chose 12 guys, each with unique personalities and strengths (and weaknesses!) Together, they wreaked holy havoc on Israel.
And then, the part that fires me up, is He gave them His Spirit to live IN them, and THEN they transformed THE WORLD. The same Spirit is alive in you and me, and we get to keep the work going!
If Jesus felt like He needed to have a league, that means we probably do too! And if we're really gonna change the world, then we need to get serious about loving each other well. Jesus said in John 13:35 - "By this all men shall know that you are My disciples, if you show love for one another."
If we begin to see ourselves as heroes, we're going to start having a lot of fun. I can't help but think of the story of Jonathan and his armor bearer in 1 Samuel 14. It's worth the read, but here's the point - Together, they took on a herd of Philistines because they believed that God was with them. And He was! They overcame impossible odds, and I guarantee you - it was a story they told for a long time!
Transforming the world is way more fun with others.
1 - You get to make holy trouble. I'm all for teens doing crazy things for Jesus. Just make sure it's for Jesus!
2 - You get to combine your faith. My faith may be strong on my own, but I know how much stronger it is with others!
3 - You get to plan strategically. Two or more heads are always better than one!
4 - You get a shared legacy. You get stories to tell for the rest of your life, to build your faith and the faith of others.
God wants to do amazing things through you. But He also wants you to join your strengths with others. As we love each other, and fight for and WITH each other, the world won't be able to resist the love and power of Christ that flows out of us!
Might Hero! The Lord is with you! You were born for such a time as this! You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you! So put on the whole armor of God, that you may stand against the schemes of the devil. And love one another as Christ has loved YOU!
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