Everybody has something to say. The world wide web makes it possible for anyone to say anything about any subject. So I prove as I type this!
You'd think that there would be a lot more meaningful content out there though. How is it that someone in China hasn't collaborated with someone in Venezuela for a cure for cancer by now? Or the end of poverty? Or something?
Instead, we have the amazing websites that help you meet that special someone - in jail. Or the site where you can bid on your desired plastic surgery procedure. Or have a virtual starting contest with the computer. And then my favorite - inflatablechurch.com - a bouncy house church where you can real church services - ANYWHERE!
I think we waste the resources God has given us too. We hear Him say "Mighty Hero, I am with you," and we just kind of sit on it.
It's a pretty typical response for most heroes when they first get called to greatness. Bilbo said "heck no" to the adventure Gandalf placed in front of him. Simba ran away at the death of his father. Luke Skywalker is certain that he needs to stay home and live the normal life when he's called to fight the empire and become a jedi.
But they all came back in the end. They all began to realize that there was more, and THEY were more.
In the Bible, Esther is one of my favorite heroes called out of a normal life. Her declaration of commitment to the cause of saving her people, even if it cost her her very life is the stuff heroes are made of - "IF I PERISH, I PERISH!"
And Mordecai's call of destiny calls out to me as I think of the life God has called me - US - to: "Who knows if you were born for such a time as this?"
Just as every comic book hero needs a city, every one of God's heroes needs a vision. Something to fight for. Something that beckons us to the greater things, that gives us courage to say "If I perish, I perish."
What's your vision? What are you fighting for?
Mighty Hero! The Lord is with you! You were born for such a time as this!
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